Monday, November 07, 2005

Another revision

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm not dead, only hibernating

I've been working on a legitly awesome paper about my work on Arbor, and how it relates to the medium I'm presenting it in. Here's a draft of the essay. I'd really appreciate some comments if you have any - positive or negative.


Expect more to come.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Two Panels!

Weeeee! What comes after "next"!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

technobiography: the remix

Techmology. What is that all about? Is it good or is it wack?

Wack (sometimes).

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

not lazy

I thought I'd let you know that even though there wasn't a media oriented update, I'm making progress. I've done character sketches and drawing some panels today. It feels so good to use a pencil and paper after slamming my dang fingers on this machine all the time.

To do tomorrow: Finish coloring panels. Put together Panels. Evaluate next page's layout!

To do tonight: a re-evaluated TECHNOBIOGRAPHY. Or perhaps TECHNO MUSIC!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Scroll Bar!

So I finally figured out my scroll bar issues. Here's what it looks like now. Oh, and I know it lags, but that won't be a problem when its published on a cd. Or I'm pretty sure it won't be...

The only thing is that for some reason I have all this blank space at the end that needs go BYE BYE. The movie inside the scrollbar doesn't have it (which includes the next button), so I have no idea where it's coming from. Suggestions?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Lil' more

Moving right along...

I know that progress is slow, but I'm anal retentive and want things to look the way I want them to. I've also been working on some character sketches! I'm so excited about them!

Eventually, the flash movie will require scrolling to move along with the conveyor belt, but for now you can just look at it scrunched down. I'd like to finish it before I worry about little things like that!